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Peer to peer network

For this part we will use libp2p was used by the guys that build IPFS and Filecoin.

First we need to spawn a p2p node

func RunSourceNode() {
// start a libp2p node that listens on a random local TCP port,
// but without running the built-in ping protocol
node := CreateNode("/ip4/")

// configure our own ping protocol
pingService := &ping.PingService{Host: node}
node.SetStreamHandler(ping.ID, pingService.PingHandler)

// print the node's PeerInfo in multiaddr format
peerInfo := peerstore.AddrInfo{
ID: node.ID(),
Addrs: node.Addrs(),
addrs, err := peerstore.AddrInfoToP2pAddrs(&peerInfo)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("libp2p node address:", addrs[0])
//we need paralel interaction for this
go LogicNodeInteraction(node)

for {
//here will be our local terminal to interact with the blockchain


Here we spawn a basic peer to peer Node now we need a way to interact with the node and some logic to be able to communicate with the other blockchains.

Syncronise peers inside the network

So we have LogicNodeInteraction which will run in parallel with the terminal.

func LogicNodeInteraction(node host.Host) {
//Set stream handler for the "/hello/1.0.0" protocol
go node.SetStreamHandler("/transaction/1.0.0", func(s network.Stream) {
log.Printf("/transaction/1.0.0 stream created")
err := ReadTransactionProtocol(s)
if err != nil {
} else {

go node.SetStreamHandler("/mine/1.0.0", func(s network.Stream) {
log.Printf("/mine/1.0.0 stream created")
err := ReadMineProtocol(s)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error: %s", err)
} else {
log.Printf("Closing stream")

go node.SetStreamHandler("/messages/1.0.0", func(s network.Stream) {
log.Printf("/messages/1.0.0 stream created")
err := ReadMessagesProtocol(s)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error: %s", err)
} else {
log.Printf("Closing stream")


Here we spawn 3 channels to listen for other peers(they need to send messages on one of this channels)

So what are they doing?

This will be out channel of communication between our nodes.

"/transaction/1.0.0" - is responsible for transaction, here is the way our transaction will be send

”/mine/1.0.0" — is responsible for the blocks that are mined, they will come from other nodes to this one ( here will come blocks that are valid and invalid form the other peers)

”/messages/1.0.0" — here will come diffrent messages about the network(transaction that are not valid…etc) (we will not enter into this)```